Saturday, October 18, 2008

Kurdish Wedding

Hi folks,

Some pictures of my outing tonight to a Kurdish wedding. We went to the Mass (the ring bearer boys and flower girls were so cute), then over to the reception. Waited more than one hour before the bride and groom showed up.

Did some dancing, in the Kurdish version of the Electric Slide and the Chicken Dance. That was funny.

I think I was the first one to call it quits--I was escorting an older woman colleague who was clearly flagging by 9:30. Caveman Joe (pictured) and his girlfriend managed to last a bit longer. Of course, they didn't dance much, whereas I was on the floor quite a bit.

Here are some shots of my table-mates, the bride and groom, etc. Check the videos....the tradtion here is to wave handkerchiefs with glittery things sewn into the edges. But one guy was more clever--he brought a purple feather-duster to wave around. Oh Lord, what funny things you see when you get into a different culture.

Love and peace to all!

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